Transactions with Beauty

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Scraps, Orts, and Fragments

This is the time of year in Edmonton where it is never really dark.

The sun rises at 5:06 and sets at 10:07 and there is Nautical Twilight and Astro Twilight and Civil Twilight, but no actual darkness. This sounds quite poetic, I think. You can track this on Time and Date if you enjoy such things.

And so when we wake up at 5am, the sun is out and bright, and calls us to our back porch for coffee.

Because of general tiredness and inability to put things together, ongoing, haha, today I’m taking a page out of Kerry Clare’s book, and emulating her gleanings….Here are some things I found interesting, good, thoughtful, throught-provoking, soul-feeding:

Brace yourself: what I’m about to say is going to be tough to hear.

And I also know for a fact that there will be at least one photo that I’ll continue to tell myself is a great picture for a certain period of time, until I finally learn that it’s not. Really, it all comes down to patience.

“If your voice held no power, they wouldn’t try to silence you.”

Every American, and I believe the whole world, can see right now that the status quo is not okay. And that’s progress.

I was in the brave space. I talked about some deep and hidden things. Very slowly I learned to stand in my truth.

My favourite tweet this past week was this one by Chantal KC:

“My conspiracy theory is that time travel IS real & someone keeps trying to fix 2020 by changing something but every time they do, they unwittingly make it worse. How else do you explain the sudden disappearance of murder hornets? They saved us from those but at what cost?!?!”

Loving Reliever, the new album by William Prince, who is from Manitoba.

I continue to think about compassion in this time. How to give everyone compassion, “even if they don’t want it.”

The title of the post comes from Virginia Woolf’s Between the Acts, and which she borrows and riffs upon from Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida. Any chance to use the word “ort” is fine with me.