Transactions with Beauty

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Writing Music

For years I wrote to Hildegard Von Bingen's 11,000 Virgins: Chants for the Feast of St. Ursula. Usually I would listen to it as part of my warm-up and then once through, before turning to silence. These days, I often just skip ahead to the silence. But lately I've been using Max Richter's On the Nature of Daylight from The Blue Notebooks. I listen to it on low for a while, until I'm sort of mesmerized or something. Some clever soul has put it on a 10 hour loop, but I find that's a bit much and have anyway purchased it and listen to it in my iTunes. You might recognize it as it's been in a number of films. 

I've gone through phases of listening to various other pieces, but am wondering what you listen to as you write or edit photos or paint? Sometimes I hear this piece as I walk in the field, and so if you hit play and look through the photos accompanying this post I hope it will be a similar experience.