Transactions with Beauty

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You know how it is after a big weekend away, when you're off your schedule, and feeling really quiet? Yah, that's how it is around here today. 

We went to Banff on a sort of 'business trip.' The sort of business trip artists take. Rob was part of the weekend show at Canada House Gallery. Chloe and I were happy to tag along. 

We and the other artists were treated to a beautiful dinner by the gallery after the show. One of the highlights was sitting down with and listening to master carver Bill Henderson talk about his work and life. What an amazing person. 

Even though it was a pretty whirlwind weekend, we managed some sweet walks, good food, and some photography fun. 

Rob and I wandered the side streets, leaving Chloe in the room to paint the mountains from our window. 

I love how there's a mountain view at the end of pretty much every street. 

I'm kind of a fan of back alleys, so coudn't resist taking this next one. 

I took a photo of this little gem of a tree last time we were here....

Just like in Edmonton, the leaves have just started emerging and it is MAGIC! 

You have to get up quite early to take a photo of the street without thousands of people lining them. 

And yes, it was actually very cold in the mornings. Here is Chloe shivering on our morning walk. 

The stone fences are so beautiful....

Even though it was, yah, freezing, spring was definitely in the air. The combination of spring and mountains is pretty thrilling, I gotta tell you. 

Again with the back alley thing:

On the morning we were leaving we took a spin down to the Bow Falls. We've probably been there a dozen times, and I never tire of them. The colours are different every single time, and the light, of course. 

Some photos of the fam-jam. 

And yep, lastly, me. Should have brought my toque.