
Welcome to
Transactions with Beauty.
Thanks for being here.
I hope that this is a space that inspires you to add something beautiful to the world. I truly believe that 
you are required to make something beautiful.

– Shawna



Photography Prompt: Things Are Such

Photography Prompt: Things Are Such

I have long been in love with the following poem:

Things Are Such

by Rumi

Things are such, that someone lifting a cup,
or watching the rain, petting a dog,

or singing, just singing – could be doing as
much for this universe as anyone. 

Your prompt is to find a poem (or write one), and then take a photograph that captures something about the poem. It doesn't have to be literal, of course. See where it takes you. Anyone can do this, whether you lean more toward photography, or poetry. It let me spend some time thinking about the beauty of the simple gestures in the poem, which I found meditative. 

The poem is from The Purity of Desire, 100 Poems of Rumi, translated by Daniel Ladinsky. 

5 Transactions with Beauty

5 Transactions with Beauty

Nest of Silence and Loveliness

Nest of Silence and Loveliness