
Welcome to
Transactions with Beauty.
Thanks for being here.
I hope that this is a space that inspires you to add something beautiful to the world. I truly believe that 
you are required to make something beautiful.

– Shawna





This must be generally the time of year where my mind turns to thinking about weirdos and especially misfits.

weirdo shawna lemay

It’s the time of year I make my annual resolution to be weirder, more eccentric.

I don’t even want a perfect body, just a perfect soul.

weirdo t-shirt shawna lemay

Maybe I also resolve to listen to more Prince, more Radiohead.

My wild dream this year is to write more like Clarice Lispector. From A Breath of Life:

“I shall write here toward the air and responding to nothing because I am free. I — I who exist. There’s a voluptuousness in being someone. I am no longer silence.”

vertical weirdo


“I write to you so that beyond the intimate surface on which we live you might come to know my prolonged howl of a wolf in the mountains.
I distilled myself entire: I’m clean like rainwater.
Let the author beware of popularity; otherwise she will be defeated by success. There is a time when you must take a picture of yourself. Hunger is always the same as the first hunger.
The need renews itself empty and entire.”

Let the author beware of popularity; otherwise she will be defeated by success. There is a time when you must take a picture of yourself.
— Clarice Lispector

So, here’s to hunger, to being weird and unpopular, to the prolonged howl. I will meet you in the mountains.

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It’s Not Time We Lack

Bookbalm — for Writers, Artists and Other Creatives

Bookbalm — for Writers, Artists and Other Creatives