
Welcome to
Transactions with Beauty.
Thanks for being here.
I hope that this is a space that inspires you to add something beautiful to the world. I truly believe that 
you are required to make something beautiful.

– Shawna



Our Everyday Lives as Dull as Possible

Our Everyday Lives as Dull as Possible

We try to make our everyday lives as dull as possible, so that we can get on with the art making. The exciting part is the magic of writing and painting and photographing. Because over the years we've gotten so very good at being dull, the least bit of anything new astonishes. 

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The biggest and best news has been that we found out our daughter Chloe got into all of the four colleges she applied to for next year, including, obviously, her number one pick, Sheridan College. She'll be studying Animation there next year, her longtime dream. If you follow me on Facebook you already know this. It's been over a week and the news is still sinking in and glowing away. 

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You may have heard me whinge about my 11 year old camera in previous posts. And the other huge news is that I broke down and bought a new camera. It can do so much more than my old faithful, and it's going to take me a long time to figure out how to really use it, but I've been having fun with it – running around taking photos of the dog, Rob's studio, bottles, bowls, etc. 

I had three days off work in a row – and of course came down with that lovely seasonal cold going around. Thanks to drinking a ton of kombucha though, I think I'm mainly over it already. 

In a couple of weeks we're on a short holiday to go help Chloe pack up for the summer and to hang out a bit with her before we all come home. Hoping by then the insomnia and the cold and all that will have disappeared. In the meantime, watching a lot of YouTube videos on how my camera works....lol. 

Thanks, everyone for tuning in, and for all your support. xo S.



Insomnia for Poetry Lovers

Insomnia for Poetry Lovers