
Welcome to
Transactions with Beauty.
Thanks for being here.
I hope that this is a space that inspires you to add something beautiful to the world. I truly believe that 
you are required to make something beautiful.

– Shawna



I Suck at the Holidays and I’m Okay with That

I Suck at the Holidays and I’m Okay with That

I really do and I really am. I don’t really bake anything because I suck at baking, I decorate minimally. I will not sing carols, or invent a signature cocktail, or put bows on presents, or string cranberries, or plan turkey dinners, or reach out to long lost relatives, or make Christmas cake. I am not crazy about Christmas cards or crackers, or eggnog, and dislike ugly sweaters and think Chrismas movies are rubbish. I don’t like the pressure and the fakery and tbh I will likely drink too much. I tend to say no to a lot of stuff. I hide out. I have formalized few traditions in our household. I’m the person who tries very hard all year to be nice to service workers, hold doors for people, let people into traffic, and honestly it irks me when people do all that in an extra special way in the week before the holidays. I mean good, it’s fine, okay, be nice, but be nice all year long. And yes, I get that I’m ridiculous for this, all of this, which is why I like to hide out. In general I find it to be all too much in so many ways. Yes, I love my family, my daughter being home (ohmygod I love her!!! and having her home), and there are many things about which I will be giddily happy about and feel blessed beyond measure.

still life basket shawna lemay

I mean, do I have to be good at everything???? No I do not. And I’m simply just not good at Christmas. This I honestly find to be kind of funny :) I am okay with royally sucking at the holidays. I do my thing, and try my best, but at the end of the day, they’re just that, days. Just like any other days, and that’s how I try to treat them. Y’all know about my extrovert token supply.

That said, our daughter is, as I said, home for the holidays and she’s all I want. So I will likely be rather hit and miss here for the next bit. Likely will write some sort of NY day post if all goes my way.

still life basket shawna lemay

And in between all this, I’m hoping to continue working on my angel novel, and take notes towards an essay on the basket in still life. Kind of riveting stuff hey?

Thanks for staying tuned and happy holidays. Enjoy it however the heck you like. And if you also suck at it, cheers to us!

Ps. Notice the reds and greens in the photos….SUPER FESTIVE AMIRIGHT???

Bookbalm — for Writers, Artists and Other Creatives

Bookbalm — for Writers, Artists and Other Creatives

Winter Lessons

Winter Lessons